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A Prayerful Tribute to Rush Limbaugh

Conference of Jewish Affairs spokesman Rabbi Aryeh Spero made the following statement today:

“We at Conference of Jewish Affairs are deeply saddened by the passing of Rush Limbaugh. Rush was the foremost spokesman of American political conservatism, ever. Immediately, 32 years ago, he became the daily address where conservatives felt at home for three hours a day with the after effects lasting for the next 21 hours until the start of the next show.

“Whether we were at home or at work, traveling on the road or recovering from an illness, the Rush Limbaugh Show was the lodestar that gave us daily confidence and a sense of belonging to something greater than ourselves: Americanism. His show was where the events of the day became real. Rush exuded optimism in America and its people.

“He was the best among us in our craft as radio talk show hosts. His voice, his delivery, his passion, his humor, insight, and his understanding and communication of the dangers of liberalism to our country and to the individual were superior. He was more than a talk show host. He was the greatest extemporaneous communicator. Unlike so many, he was willing to stand up against the destructive and nasty arrows of the arrogant Left. He loved America and made it possible for us to love even more that which happens every moment across the great fruited plain. He kept us hopeful when our spirits were down and he gave us courage when we needed it.

“I met Rush 30 years ago and was impressed by his kindness, openness, and absolute American-type normalcy. He loved Israel and revered God. In many ways, he was larger than life and was a legend already during his own lifetime at the age of 40. He reinvigorated in us and brought to life for our generation the greatness of our Founding Fathers and the pride we should feel as Americans.

“And so, this man with ‘talent on loan from God’ now returns to God in Heaven and to the ancestors he so admired. May his soul be bound in everlasting life, and may the America he loved and promoted withstand those who currently wish to weaken and transform her. The everlasting legacy to Rush Limbaugh is for us to keep fighting for our historic American principles so as to keep her strong for ourselves, for our posterity, and for America herself. Amen.”